For further information about the Midwest Religion and Science Society, contact:Dr. Carl S. Helrich, MRSS Director and Goshen Conference Director
Professor Emeritus of Physics
Physics Department
Goshen College
1700 S. Main St.
Goshen, IN 46526
The MRSS has campus chapters at seven collaborating institutions.
Andrews University
Andrews University, a distinctive Seventh-Day Adventist Christian educational institution located in Berrien Springs, Michigan, seeks to transform its students by educating them to seek knowledge and affirm faith in order to change the world. The university is made up of seven schools and colleges, including the Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Seminary.
Contact: Dr. Gary Burdick
Professor of Physics, Associate Dean for Research, and Andrews Autumn Conference Director
Bluffton University
Located in Bluffton, Ohio, Bluffton University provides an educational experience that teaches Christian Values in a Global Community – or put in another way – living out faith with purpose through the Mennonite values of peacemaking and service.
Contact: Dr. Steve Harnish
Professor of Mathematics
Goshen College
The Goshen College chapter of the MRSS consists of a small group of people interested in topics on Religion and Science. Some of the chapter members are retired pastors, some are from the Goshen community with no affiliation with the college, some are faculty members of the college, some are on the college staff, and some are students. New members or persons exploring membership are always welcome.
Contact: Dr. Carl Helrich
Emeritus Professor of Physics
Manchester University
Manchester College is a liberal arts and sciences college of the Church of the Brethren located in North Manchester, Indiana. Manchester is home to the nation’s first peace studies program and to one of the earliest environmental studies programs. Manchester maintains an important relationship with the church, a Christian denomination recognized as a historic peace church, and one that actively lives out faith in reconciliation, service, simpleliving, community, and love as taught and modeled by Jesus Christ.
Contact: Dr. Andrew Rich
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ohio Northern University
Ohio Northern University, a United Methodist-related institution of higher learning located in Ada, Ohio is comprised of five colleges (Arts & Sciences, Business Administration, Engineering, Pharmacy and Law) with nationally ranked arts, sciences and professional programs.
Ohio Northern seeks to educate and graduate students accomplished in scholastic achievement, prepared for a useful life and meaningful career, and inspired with a desire to contribute to the good of humankind consistent with Judeo-Christian ideals.
Contact: Dr. Forrest Clingerman
Professor of Religion and Philosophy
University of Notre Dame
Founded in 1842 by a priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Notre Dame is an independent, national Catholic research university located adjacent to the city of South Bend, Indiana.
The University of Notre Dame is a Catholic academic community of higher learning, animated from its origins by the Congregation of Holy Cross. The University is dedicated to the pursuit and sharing of truth for its own sake. As a Catholic university, one of its distinctive goals is to provide a forum where, through free inquiry and open discussion, the various lines of Catholic thought may intersect with all the forms of knowledge found in the arts, sciences, professions, and every other area of human scholarship and creativity.
University of Saint Francis
Located in Fort Wayne, Indiana, the University of Saint Francis is a private, Catholic university enrolling 2,000 students in majors ranging from the liberal arts, to the creative arts, to the health sciences.
Contact: Dr. Earl Kumfer
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Theology